
Add jQuery to a Vaadin 7 application

To add jQuery (or any other javascript library) to a Vaadin 7 application, follow these easy steps:
  1. Create a Vaadin project either using your favorite IDE or the vaadin maven archetype (or both). Create a new class that extends from VaadinServlet, and override the servletInitialized method:
  2. Add the reference to the servlet in your web.xml or annotate the class with the @WebServlet annotation.
  3. Create your jQuery snippet and invoke it using the JavaScript class, for example:
You can download a complete example here.


  1. thanks, it helped a lot...

  2. you can also use the @Stylesheet and @Javascript annotations. its much simpler.

    * JQuery UI

    * JQuery

    * JQuery UI

    public class MyUI extends UI {

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